Sunday, February 21, 2010

How Long Does It Take For Anorexia To Show What Are Some Signs That My Friend Is Anorexic?

What are some signs that my friend is anorexic? - how long does it take for anorexia to show

I know my friend since elementary school. A middle school was super thin, and his family was so worried, he took her to a psychologist. Only a few times. I think she started to eat more, and the matter was dropped. However, it remains concerned about me and my friends.

Before lunch at school, I would say I was hungry. She said the same thing but at noon, she would not eat anything. Only a few bites of a sandwich.

Now, in school, she is still thin. She eats, while a few friends, but they always eat less. They eat junk food like chocolate in front of us. But it can be to get rid of.

The tears of his food and is always cold. Two signs of anorexia.

I wondersome other characters. My friends and I do not know what to do. His brother is with us, so that you at least know what is in school and at home. However, he has so often that your family thinks it eat eat "normally".

How long it takes to anorexia, to start really showing the negative effects? As I said before, if so, then she has had for a long time.

Thanks for the help


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